Health Benefits of Massage
Many people believe massage is a luxury when in fact, it should be considered an essential wellness necessity. There are many health benefits of massage therapy. It is a safe, effective, powerful form of healing that has been in use for over 5,000 years. It can have profound rejuvenating effects on your physical, mental and emotional states and greatly enhance the quality of your life. Regular massage sessions can significantly reduce stress, relieve chronic pain, and promote relaxation and deep healing. The healing power of touch therapy is an essential part of creating health.

Boosts immune system functioning and reduces illness by 2/3
Decreases stress hormones
Calms and resets the nervous system
Increases the sense of social connection
Reduces mental & emotional distress
Promotes feelings of well-being
Increases deep sleep in those who are sleep deprived
Enhances mental clarity & one's ability to perform at work
Increases serotonin levels in the brain, thus enhancing mood
Helps individuals with chronic fatigue & fibromyalgia
Manages chronic pain
Reduces tension headaches
Lowers blood pressure
Improves flexibility & range of motion, preventing future injuries
Improves physical performance
Speeds recovery from injury and illness
Reduces swelling and scarring
Relieves PMS
Improves posture & re-educates your body to maintain balance.
Promotes relaxation and deep healing
Facilitates mindfulness and meditative states
Enhances overall sense of wellbeing
​Increases heart rate variability (coherence)